Monday, October 5, 2009


The most terrifying part was when Simon was talking to the Lord of the Flies and the Lord of the Flies was threatening him.

This was frightening as Simon was imagining or envisioning that the pig's head was talking to him as the Lord of the Flies. Here's what happened. Simon goes back into the jungle to his private place and sees that Jack and his tribe have killed a sow and have cut off the head and made it a sacrifice to the beast. There are flies all around the head Simon then thinks that the pig is talking to him as the Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Flies threatens him by saying you can never escape me because I am in all humans. Then he says he'll have fun with Simon and Simon faints.

I think that this was William Golding's way of saying that everyone is losing it a little bit. First Ralph is forgetting things, Jack isn't even part of the tribe anymore, and now Simon is hallucinating that a sow's head is talking to him. Everyone's starting to be a bit batty. Simon is so scared by the Lord of the Flies that he faints.

This reminds me of Jesus' encounter with Satan. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness and in those 40 days Satan tempted Jesus 3 times, and Jesus stayed strong. Obviously there are some differences because Jesus is perfect and he's the son of God, and Simon is human. BUt this encounter is definitely very similar.

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