Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Beast Hunters Return

Chapter 7
Shadows and Tall Trees
Perspective: Piggy

Dear Journal,

The beast hunters have returned. I am glad, because I sure was getting lonely with no one but littl'uns to talk to. I did feel sagely around them as I have so much more experience. Wow, even in the brief 2 days I didn't see them, Ralph had gotten dirtier. I hope I'm not being batty, but I think his hair got longer too! He has been so dirty lately, even though he bathes even day. I think bathing in sea water just isn't the same as the baths Auntie used to give me. The water in the sea is full of salt, so taking a dip just won't get you clean. You'll still be covered head to toe in brine. Ralph's hair is definitely getting longer, though, because it didn't used to flop down into his eyes.
Now it's like a screen over his eyes.

I was told by a hunter that the boys played a game involving Robert acting like a pig. It was basically like a skit of how Jack kills a pig. They made a circle around Robert, stared chanting, then poked and prodded him with their hand, arms, and fingers. He was very impervious about the whole thing, until they started poking him, then he became dun. The mood about this game is quite savage, if you ask me. Jack was very bravado about the proceedings. Robert then said that they should use a pig so that they could kill it. Jack then suggested that we substitute a littl'un, so I think that this foreshadows a littl'un getting killed and eaten.

Jack, Roger and Ralph saw the beast themselves. They are very stupid and gullible to go looking in the dark for a beast. I believe that the game the boys played in savage and horrible. I don't want to be a part of it.

Uh oh, Johnny is having a nightmare again, I must go wake him up.

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