Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Forbidden Party

1. In Simon’s secret place, which source of food do the flies prefer?
In Simon's secret place the flies prefer the pig's head to the blood on Simon's face from his blood vessel that burst after he had a seizure.

2. Where does Simon decide to go?
Simon decides to go to the mountain where the signal fire was, where the so-called 'beastie' is. He goes up the mountain to look at the beastie after the Lord of the Flies advises him otherwise.

3. What does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside?
Simon untangles the ropes of the dead aviator's parachute, then he vomits.

4. Who suggests Ralph and Piggy should go to the party?
Piggy suggests that they should go to the party. He says it's just to see what's happening but I think it's also that Piggy wants meat.

5. How is it that Ralph and Piggy’s awkward presence at the party is accepted?
Their presence is accepted because one of the hunters bumps into Piggy and burns him with the hot piece of meat, then everyone laughs at Piggy.

6. What does Jack declare about the conch to Ralph?
He says it doesn't work on this side of the island and since Jack was the chief of this tribe they would go by what he said.

7. What is the weather like toward the end of the party?
Toward the end of the party it starts to thunder and there was a little bit of lightning, then it turned into constant thunder and lightning.

8. What chant do the boys sing as they dance?
It depends. They either chant, "kill the beast, cut her throat, spill her blood", or they chant, "kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood".

9. Who emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast?

Simon emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast, and then they boys kill him, just as the LOTF predicted.

10. Write a STRONG BODY PARAGRAPH about who is responsible for Simon’s
death and why.

I blame evil in general for causing Simon's death. Evil caused the LOTF to talk to Simon in a vision, I blame the devil for tempting Simon to go up the mountain to discover what the beastie really was, and I blame the group for killing Simon. The Lord of the Flies says to Simon they will all do you in if you reveal the truth about the beast, thus making Simon curious as to what the beastie really is. Evil also prompts the boys to brutally murder Simon, by getting them in a savage mood so that when they see Simon crawling along the outskirts of the jungle, they think he's the beastie so they kill him. In conclusion, evil in general is the cause of Simon's death. What else would prompt an innocent human being to be killed? Pure evil.

1 comment:

  1. - This is an Excellent source of blog, it really helped me out with my homework. Just From your ideas and informational text, it made me under stand the book even more.

    P.S Thanks Sweetheart and keep up the good work!!.
