Sunday, May 2, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird Blog Post 1

Journal #1

Chapters 1-3

Perspective of Jem

Dear Journal,
Everything started the day Dill came to our lovely southern town of Maycomb, Alabama. Dill was 6 years old, same age as Scout at the time, and 4 years my junior. He was from Meridian, a larger town than Maycomb, more action there, and he wouldn't let us forget it. He was a short little twerp, and as soon as we replied to his greeting he said, " I'm Charles Baker Harris. I can read." Well I couldn't careless if he could read, so could Scout. No big deal I told him, Scout's been reading since she was born. I told him he had an odd name and he told me the same thing. He was braggin' about how he had a picture show in Meridian, Mississippi and I have to admit, that made me a tad jealous. I reckon if we had a picture show, Scout an me'd see Dracula. Fancy that. We wouldn't just read the book. Sometimes I wish we lived in a bigger town, like Dill, as Charles told us to call him.
Everything started with Dill. From the moment Dill heard about Arthur "Boo" Radley, he was curious. Always inquirin' bout Boo, talking to the town gossip, Miss Stephanie, and hangin' off that lamp post on the corner just watchin' the Radley place. He finally dared me to touch it. NOt one to back down from a dare, I walked to the creaky gate, opened it, ran to the side of the house, slapped it, and ran back. As we were panting on our porch, Scout swore she saw a shutter flick in the Radley Place. That's all for now journal, Calpurnia is calling me to dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica,

    Great start to your blog! Don't forget to include 5 vocabulary terms in your journal entry. Also, I'd like you to dig a little deeper when writing in another's perspective, really delve into their thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

    -Mrs. G
