Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Kill A Mocking Bird Blog Post 2

Journal #2

Chapters 4-7

Perspective of Scout

Dear Journal,
A lot is different than my last entry. Towards the end of the school year (still reckon school aint worth going to, but Atticus reckons it is) I noticed something shiny in the knot in the tree in the Radley Yard. I thought I oughtta go check it out, so I did. I found 2 fresh crisp pieces of chewing gum. I shoved em both in my mouth and chewed away. A while later, Jem noticed me chewing, and knowing that I did not have money at the moment, asked me where I got it. When I told him he was horrified, he told me to spit it out, it could be poisoned. I spat it out but I told him if it was poisoned, I'd be dead by now because I had been chewing it a while. Nothing more came of it except for on the last day of school. On the last day, we found two old indian head pennies in that old knot hole. It made me wonder who was puttin' this in the tree. It made me curious. Was it Boo? Mr. Nathan?
When Dill came to Maycomb again, he was another year older, and so was Jem. They wouldn't let me play their games, because they had games for 2 now. It made me sad, as Dill had asked me to marry him soon after he got here. Why did he evade me, his fiance? There was no point in quibbling with my future fiance so I just moseyed on over to Miss Maudie Atkinsons house. The more I talked to her, the more information I got. Information about everything, from Boo Radley, to her Azaleas, to the delicious cakes she baked. But her take on Boo Radley interested me most. She said that she felt everyone was entitled to their privacy, and Arthur, as she called him, was a nice polite child when he was a young boy, and that if he wasn't crazy before, spending all that time in a house could make anyone crazy. She said to stop tormenting him. It made me sad, like all the stories we heard we false, and to be truthful, it made Boo a lot less mysterious and scary.
Well Journal, I got to be going, Jem wants to play.

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