Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekly Reading Response

NAME Jessica Sloan DATE 2/5/10
TITLE When You Are Engulfed In Flames TIME 3+ HOURS
AUTHOR David Sedaris PAGES 104-266

QUESTION 1:Which character would you like (or not like) to be your friend? Why?

I would like David, the main character to be my friend. He is funny, smart, and has a way of describing things. He relates them to other things that in my mind have no relation to the original thing and somehow, they make sense. It is crazy, and I'd like to have a conversation with Mr. Sedaris someday. He is intelligent, witty, and hilarious.
He was talking about quitting smoking, and he put it into terms that made me understand how difficult it could be. It made me not want to smoke, ever, ever. He put it into terms of how hard it was, he made it sound excruciating.

QUESTION 2: What does this book make you wonder about? Why?

This book makes me wonder about traveling. David Sedaris goes to exotic and foreign places. He's been to Tokyo, he's lived in New York, Paris, and the Netherlands. I've been to Paris, but the way he talks about it, I feel like I missed out on all the fun stuff. He compares being a drunk in Paris to being a drunk in the U.S., saying that unless you're lying on a street with no pants on and a bottle in your hands, you're not a drunk. Him saying those things makes me look at those places in a different and exciting new way.

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