Tuesday, October 13, 2009

R.I.P. Piggy

Chapter 11
Castle Rock

1. In the beginning of the chapter, what does Piggy tell Ralph to do with the conch?
Piggy tells Ralph to blow the conch to call a meeting. The meeting is called to discuss the options they have for getting back Piggy's glasses.

2. What reason will Piggy give Jack for the return of his glasses?
There are a number of reasons that Piggy told Jack to give back his specs. One was that it was the generally good thing to do. Another is that Piggy can't see anything unless it's within 3 feet of him. The other is that they are Piggy's property, therefor Jack is a thief. Piggy was adamant about getting them back and he didn't seem scared, even though the only talisman he had is the conch.

3. What does Ralph declare their appearance will be when they approach Jack?
Ralph said that he wants the boys to look nice, clean, unlike savages, close to what they looked like when they first got to the island. He doesn't want to intimidate the savages, but they will bring spears just in case.

4. Who challenges the boys on their approach to Castle Rock?
Roger challenged the boys and said that this was their part of the island and to go back to the other side of the island. It is obvious that Ralph's tribe is not wanted here.

5. When Jack appears, what has he been doing?
When Jack appears he comes out of the forest dragging a pig, so it is evident that he's been hunting. As he sees Ralph, he looks at him truculently.

6. What does Ralph call Jack that provokes a fight?
Ralph calls Jack a thief for stealing Piggy's glasses.

7. What happens to Samneric after the fight?
Jack orders his tribe to tie up Samneric. He rubs this in Ralph's face saying that his tribe will follow orders.

8. What is Roger doing during Piggy’s plea for a return to decency?
Roger just keeps fingering the lever that will release a huge boulder from the top of Castle Rock.

9. I believe that Roger is responsible for the death of Piggy. First off, Roger is evil and he likes torturing people. I know this because he threw sand at the littl'uns and he tied up Wilfred and there was no cessation of evil. Next, he was just delirious fingering that lever. He was just standing there and I think that he just wanted to inflict pain on a helpless human being. He didn't just inflict pain, he murdered. In conclusion, Roger is to blame because he can't help himself from being evil. We must ask ourselves the question, doesn't Piggy's death relate to the death of all order?

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