Sunday, March 7, 2010

Immigration Lit Circles Response #2

Quote: Said in mind of Author about her mother and her mother's slave: Page 82:
"The unsold slaves must have watched them with envy, I watched them with envy. My mother's enthusiasm for me is duller than that slave girl; nor did I replace the older brother and sister who died when they were still cuddly."
2. Significance: What was the life/role of the characters in their home country?
I think that Maxine's role is and always will be the lowly daughter. Her mother doesn't show a lot of appreciation and respect for her. It sounds like Maxine's mother doesn't show enthusiasm, as she says.
3. Character Judgement: Mother
My thoughts are that Maxine's mother isn't affectionate enough towards her daughter. She doesn't necessarily show her pride in the way Maxine hopes. My feelings are that if I was Maxine, I'd really like it if my mom showed some pride and made me feel self worthy.
4. Question: Have you eve been jealous of someone, a sibling or close friend perhaps, for the wrong reasons?

Quote #2: Page 96: Maxine's view of her mother's arrival to the U.S.:
"On Ellis Island the officials asked her,"What year did your husband cut off his pigtail?" and it terrified her when she could not remember.

2. Significance: What challenges do the characters face upon their arrival?
I believe that Maxine's mother faced immense fear. Fear that she was being forgetful, fear that the authorities were trying to "trap him politically," him being her husband, and just plain fear of being a stranger in a new place.

3. Personal Connection:
This relates to me because I know what fear is. I know how it feels not to speak the language, to be afraid that I might stand out. I know exactly how Maxine's mother is feeling and this quote brings back memories of me being in Fiji, or Paris, or Mexico. the language barrier can be a wall.

4. Question: Do you know how it feels to be in a strange place and not fit in, not speak the language etc.? When?


  1. yes in fact i do know how it feels to be in an unknown place and not able to relate to any one.

  2. No one's blog lets me comment so I am going to answer Marshy's questions in a comment on my own blog

    Response: First off, I loved this quote and I almost picked it. I agree with you on the fact that since she was older, she felt like she had to be smarter than everyone else. However, I do not understand what you mean by "I also have felt that their is something that I want to do but don't because of what I believe in. It is sometimes hard to stick to but always rewarding." In What ways is it rewarding?

    Answering Question 1: I see in real life people struggling for what they believe in as in Christians in Communist countries being martyrs and dying for what they beelieve in. They know they are right enough to die for what they believe in.

    Response 2: I like this quote and I find your take very accurate. I know there are times when I am afraid to do something because of what other people may think.
    Answer 2: I have felt this way. If I need to get someones attention, I do not want to be conceived as impolite so I walk over to them instead of calling their name.
