Monday, September 28, 2009

Explore the Shore

Chapter 6
Beast From Air

The sign that comes up is the 'beastie'. What the beastie actually is is the dead pilot of a fighter plane. Over the island the night that Sam 'n Eric saw the beastie, there was a battle between military airplanes. A deceased pilot and his parachute floated down. Sam 'n Eric didn't see it because they were asleep instead of one asleep and one guarding the fire. The parachuter falls to the island and gets his parachute tangled in the rocks. The parachute was flapping in the wind which leads Sam 'n Eric to believe that the dead parachuter is the beastie. They then go and do a bit of exaggerating to the boys and now they go hunting for a beastie.Sam n' Eric say that it was big and scary and that it tried to catch them but they ran away.

Dear Journal,
It is as I feared. The beastie may be real. In the early hours of the Sam 'n Eric came running down the mountain where the signal fire is near the guano covered rocks. They then told us their findings. Their voices were urgent, their arms flailing with the exaggerated size of the beastie. I don't know, maybe there is a beastie. But if so, and if it was as big as the twins said, how could it not catch them? The more I think about it, the more skeptical I get. I think the beastie may just be a large pig that's size was distorted in a shadow. Sam 'n Eric just aren't very believable as their exaggerations seemed to be interminable.
Ralph and Jack decide that we should go look for the beastie by the gigantic rock pile on the opposite side of the island. Jack led the way and Ralph was in the very back, directly behind me. On the trek he seemed much less waxy about Jack and the pig. I think that most of the boys were frightened by the thought of actually running into a beast or a leviathon. I really dont think there is a beast because if there was, it would've preyed on Sam 'n Eric.

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