Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TKAM Post 5

Blog Post 5

Chapter 16-17

Prompt 2:
Compare and contrast yourself to either Scout or Jem
at their age. Compare and contrast your summer
activities, friends, relationships with your dad, siblings,
and adults.

I will compare myself to Scout at the age of 9. In contrast to Scout, I liked school, and I loved my teachers. But like Scout, I had a great imagination. My brother and I used to go to the community pool and drop pennies, and pretend we were divers searching for buried treasure. We would pretend we were spies on the playground and the room was rigged with lasers and we could only step on certain spots. The floor is lava was another one of our favorite games. But, in similarity to Scout at about that age, he stopped wanting to play with me.
I didn't really have friends that came in for the summer, but I did play with our neighbor who was my age, Michelle.
We used to play house, walk down to her gigantic backyard and swing on the swings, and pick limes off her tree. In similarity to Scout, my dad doesn't usually get home until around 6:30. My relationship with my brother is much like Scout's relationship with Jem. I did sometimes go over to my elderly neighbor Theresa's house. She was a nice lady who was lonely after her husband Jose died. I think Scout and I have more similarities than we do differences.

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