Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weekly Reading Response

NAME Jessica_________ DATE 1/28/10____________________
TITLE When You Are Engulfed in Flames_____________ TIME2.5_________HOURS
AUTHOR_David Sedaris_________________ PAGES 1______-104_______

What was one of your favorite lines (or sentences) in what you read today? Copy it down and tell why you liked it. (It can be more than a sentence if you like, but not too long—you still need to write words of your own!)
"Like the rats spilling from the gangway she was exactly the type of creature I'd expect to live in New York. Arrogant, pushy, proudly, almost fascistically opinionated, she was the person you found yourself quoting at dinner parties, especially if your hosts were on the delicate side, and you didn't care much if you were invited back."
I found this quote hilarious. He is talking about his neighbor, Helen, who is vulgar, and mean, and I find her personality and her habits hilarious. This made me crack up, and imagine what I would do if I had a neighbor like that.
Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?
Definitely. David Sedaris has a VERY unique style of writing. It is funny, and he has a way of connecting one thing to another. It really makes you think. The vocabulary in this book is good, but challenging, so if I need to look up something in a dictionary, I can. David has this was of making everyday life sound so interesting you have to keep reading about it. It's challenging to do, yet he achieves it with ease.

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