Monday, September 21, 2009

Roast Pig For Supper!

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Journal,

I am definitely having some trouble with being the leader of all these people. It’s also hard to eat only fruit, especially if you don’t know which fruit is good and ripe. It gave us horrible diarrhea the first few days because we never had to do the shopping At home. Ripe, fresh fruit would just be there in the fridge. It’s blatantly obvious that you eat whatever Mum and Dad buy for you. There was no choice back in England.

I feel like the littluns are just kids who were on the wrong plane at the wrong time. It’s not their fault that they’re on this island. It happened to all of us, and it’s just a fact of life. The littluns mainly play along the sea shore. I don’t expect them to do much work, as they are only 5 or 6 years old. I wouldn’t be inclined to help build shelter when I was six either. That’s too much manual labor for a littlun.

Today Jack and the hunters painted their faces to disguise themselves like flowers and they went hunting for a pig. They finally caught and killed one and then they brought it back to main camp. As they brought it back to camp, gouts of blood poured out its throat. We roasted it and it was DELICIOUS! I didn’t have to paint my face since I am the chief and I am not a part of the hunters.

I still cannot believe we saw a passing ship and we weren’t rescued. Jack told me that 1 or 2 of his hunters would stay and guard the fire, but when we saw a ship, the fire wasn’t even alive anymore. When Jack came back, I asked him why he didn’t have 2 people there and he said it was because he needed all of them to be able to make a circle around the pig, which is a dumb answer, since there’s a possibility that we could’ve been rescued. That angered me so I decided I wouldn’t eat the pork. I eventually gave in because I couldn’t stand to let a perfectly good piece of meat go to waste. For the first time, there was a sort of malevolence between me and Jack.

I really need to take control over the boys. Maybe I should punish someone, or instate a rule or two at our next meeting. Whatever I do, things need to change on this island. Believe me, they will.

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