Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If I Were Stuck On A Desert Island

If you were stuck on a desert island and you could bring 3 people and 3 things, what/who would they be?

First, I would bring a lifetime supply of food for 4 people. Next, I’d bring a water purifier. Last, I would bring all the supplies you need to build a house.

First I’d bring a construction worker or a contractor. Next, I’d bring my mom. Last, I would bring my best friend.

Now that I’m on the island with my people and my items, what am I going to do? I think I’ll go talk to the contractor about what I am going to want my house to have inside and look like. I brought all the necessary supplies to build a house, so we’re not at a loss for materials. I’m hungry. I think I’ll go eat something out of the lifetime supply of food that I brought. Now I’m thirsty. I don’t want to get sick from drinking the sea water, so I’ll purify it and take out all the salt.

The heat is really getting on my nerves. I think I’ll take a swim with my best friend. When she’s around, I won’t be bored. Oh no! I tripped on a rock and hurt my leg. Now I need first aid! I can just go straight to my mom, the nurse.

When you’re on a desert island, you never know what’s going to happen. But if you have food, clean water, and shelter, you’re life is going to be a lot easier. Having first aid, someone to entertain you, and you don’t have to build? Those are some pretty nice perks.

In conclusion, I never want to be stuck on a desert island, but if it happens, these things would make it a lot easier.

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